Blessing, Healing, Inspiration, Poetry, Prayer

A Blessing and Prayer for Grace

How are you today?

Last week I felt a strong sense of the presence of Grace in our lives. There is so much each of us hold: both pain and joy, sorrow and hope, loneliness and togetherness. There is also much beauty in our choice of how to open our hearts, to feel, to experience life. This is where Grace happens: in both the beautiful and difficult.

This prayer/poem is my gift to you. May there be openings in your life where you can feel and experience Grace. Grace is freely given always just because you are you. You are Beloved.

A Prayer for Grace

Grace is falling
falling from the skies;
it comes in thunderous waves of rain
and bright rays of sun
that embrace the land
everyone and everything are
within its reach
and touch.

Grace is rising
rising up from the earth
it comes in the songs of the birds
the beauty of the flowers and trees
inviting you to come closer
to see with your own eyes
to touch with your own skin
to feel within your own body.

Grace is speaking
speaking from the Spirit of Creation
from the tender mouth of God,
that dwells inside
every bud,
every wave,
every beam of light,
every person,
every creature,
every particle of life.

Grace is

Grace is

Grace is yours:
it is your gift
of God’s great Love for you
freely given,
within you,
and always upon you.


Blessings of Grace upon you today and always,

©️2012-2021. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue Healing and Blessings. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing & Blessings by Erin Keane

Blessing, Healing Blessing, Healing Prayer, Inspiration, Prayer, Spirituality

Prayer during Difficult Times: Prayer during Natural Disasters

Where are you God
in all of this—
all that we feel,
even our Earth is crying—
She burns,
and her seas rage,
and her lands tremble—
even the beauty of her
seems to hurt.

I can’t find you…
—I’ve forgotten how to pray—
It’s just so much.

But then the sun rises
with its halo of burnt embers
And its light shines
through the haze
for Light always finds
its way through
and I am reminded
that you are still here—

and I realize these words
–here on this paper—
is my prayer
And each time someone reads
these words,
this becomes their prayer too—

Our voices rise.

We call out:
Please listen to our hearts,
May you bring peace
to our worried minds;
May you bring healthy air to all
who need to breathe;
May you bring calm
to all those who feel chaos;
May you bestow protection
upon all who fear.
May you quench the fires,
quiet the seas,
bring harmony back to the lands.
May you lift our world
into your hands of LOVE.
We need you God,
we need you here with us.


Blessings, Erin

©️2012-2020. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue Healing and Blessings. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing & Blessings by Erin Keane.

Chaplaincy, coronavirus, Healing, Prayer, Prayers for the Dying, Spirituality

Prayer for the Dying

I spend a lot of time thinking, and reflecting as many writers do. I offer up love into the world frequently: prayers for those who need them, prayers for all of us.

I wrote this prayer for the dying: maybe they are words that can be offered to the dying by the person who is with them. Maybe they are words you can offer from you heart into our world as so many are taking their last breaths from the Coronavirus. Maybe they are words that speak to you in another way.

Blessings upon the nurses, the doctors, the med students, the chaplains, all those who are at the bedside when when families can’t be there, especially these days with all that is happening in our world. And bless all of our families and friends, all of us, who are not able to be with Loved Ones when they die. May they know they are not alone in their grief. We are never alone in our grief. We are all here for each other in our pain. We all hold each other in our hearts.

Prayers for the Dying Coronavirus

It’s okay to let go,
I’m right here with you,
It’s okay to let go,
You’ve done your very best,
as you go beyond this place,
You will find that Love will carry you
to where you are going now.
And light will come upon you
filling you with peace.
You will be here always with those you Love,
you will be in the wind that blows in their hair,
you will be in the light of the sun that shines upon their faces,
you will be in the smell of their clothes,
in their photographs of memories,
you will always be with them,
deep in their hearts
they will always hear you,
feel you,
know you are there
in the most special of ways that are yours to share.
And know that you are deeply LOVED today,
You are forever Loved, throughout all eternity,
And forevermore.


And as, Imagine Dragons sing in their song, Birds: “Love will never die….I hope to see you again…”

Blessings upon all you feel in your heart, Erin


****Copyright exception for this post, Prayers for the Dying: Prayer Words may be used if they are offered as a comfort to someone. If printed and distributed, please include my name, Erin Keane and website Photo may not be reproduced without prior written permission.*****See copyright notice below:

©️2012-2020. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue Healing. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing by Erin Keane.

coronavirus, Healing, Inspiration, Self-Love, Social Distancing, Spirituality

Offering Yourself Compassion During Social Distancing: A Daily Ritual of Self-Love

How have you been today?

These days have filled me with lots of mixed feelings. I go from feeling tired to feeling okay, to feeling frustrated to feeling okay, to feeling okay and then tired again. I guess it’s this cycle of grief I feel. Do you find yourself grieving still too? During the days, my kids keep me busy, but I’m also filled with their emotions and energy that they are releasing about everything that seems out of place to them. So by night I am filled with my own feelings, plus all of their feelings.  I notice that my body seems most agitated before I go to bed. Many of us probably feel this too. It seems to be the time that everything settles, and we become aware of how much our bodies are holding. Therefore, I’ve been doing my best to offer myself some healing before I close my eyes; to release the tension in my body; and to help my dreams be more peaceful. I realize I need to be compassionate with myself.

To heal during this time we each need to offer ourselves compassion. When you offer yourself compassion, you are allowing yourself to feel what you need to feel and understanding that feeling what you do is okay. Then you are able to allow yourself to begin to heal. You might do healthy things to alleviate your suffering or you may just need to be open and accepting of yourself by allowing yourself to feel and experience your emotions. This gift of compassion towards yourself, is a gift of Self-Love.

This is my blessing for you tonight. It is a ritual of Self-Love and Compassion that each of us can do any time during the day or right before bed.

Compassion Quote for Everyone during the Coronavirus

Blessings of Compassion upon you, Erin

©️2012-2020. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue Healing. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing by Erin Keane

Healing, Inspiration, Self-Love, Spirituality

Your Spirit is Resilient: Hope dwells inside You

Hope Quote for Social Isolation

“Even though life may be really hard right now,
remember there is a deep place of Hope
that lies inside each of us.
Surrender to the hope the lies within you
let it lift you from the darkness
just as the flower turns to the sun
and opens itself to be held in the light.”

The last few days have been hard days. And I imagine there will be more challenging days ahead. My nervous system has been on high alert since the changes in our daily lives happened two weeks ago. Having more of an awareness of my own grief and the collective grief we all feel has helped me calm myself, as I realize more and more that we are all in this together. It has also helped me recognize how I need to be so much kinder to myself. We all need to be kinder to ourselves. We need to be intentional about caring for ourselves. We need to give ourselves the chance to heal day by day.

Self-care is not something I am always very good at. My three children keep me busy. And now that they are all home for the next couple months I am finding I need to be even more intentional about taking time for myself so that I am able to take on life’s storms without feeling completely overwhelmed. Today was a day I was able to have a moment of genuine self-kindness. The late morning sun was shining brightly. My children wanted to play outside, so I joined them. They ran to play in the dirt, digging with shovels. So I took this opportunity to enjoy the sun. I pulled a lawn chair out and sat down. I didn’t realize how much I needed the sun to warm my face, until I was able to be still for a few seconds. My husband and I enjoy superhero shows. We were watching Superman with my son the other night and got to talking about how Superman revitalizes his body and strength through the sun. As I sat outside I thought about this and let the sun soak into my being. This moment was short-lived: my 2 year old needed my help on the slide, but it was long enough to awaken some hopefulness inside me. As I reflect on this moment I realize that the earth, creation as it is in its wholeness, is still here happening all around us. The rising of the sun is constant. It has not left us in our darkest time. It continues to shine. It continues to awaken the earth into the birthing of spring. The melodies of the birds have not changed. They still sing with the sun’s rising and celebrate its light throughout the day. And even though each bud is hidden beneath the darkness of the soil, they still rise. They rise above the darkness and they follow the light.

This rising is a metaphor for us all. The sun is our gift right now. It is beckoning us to rise from our darkness, by shining its light upon us. It is giving us HOPE; it is telling us that being in ‘this darkness’ is not permanent. We too will rise again, different and better.

What do you hope for? What does hope feel like for you?

May your day be filled with something that brings about hope within you. Remember that your spirit is resilient. You have overcome difficulties in your life before. Remember these moments of your rising up from the darkness. You will overcome again.

Let HOPE grow inside you. Your hope awakens hope in others. We continue to change the vibration of the world with the energy of hope that we share.

Blessings of Hope to you, and for us all,

©️2012-2020. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue Healing. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing by Erin Keane

Blessing, Healing, Inspiration, Self-Love, Spirituality

A Blessing of Healing for Yourself

Look inside yourself,
the place where Love lives
the Love that makes you feel bigger than yourself,
(like Love for your children, your spouse, your pets etc.)
the Love that makes you feel alive,
the Love that makes you feel whole…

Feel this Love:

Let it flow from you
just as it does each time  you share it,
but this time stop it before it leaves
and turn it towards yourself,
filling all the places within you:
your cells, your heart, your skin, your mind & soul
with your own powerful Love.

Let this Love you give to others
be the Love you give yourself.

Blessing of Healing for Yourself
Feel this Love:

Hold the frightened one

the grieving one,
the hurting one,
and tell them gently
what you need to hear,
and let yourself scream,
let out your cries,
curl up and hold yourself in your arms,
all the while Loving Yourself with this great love from within you.

Feel this Love:

Send all of your Love to You.
the same kind of Love
that the sun offers the Earth
as it rises in the morning,
embracing everyone, and everything with its light
beaming hope upon you
and awakening your body, mind and soul to their
Healing Power.

Blessings, Erin

©️2010-2020. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing by Erin Keane

Blessing, Healing, Prayer

Prayer for Australia

Prayer for Australia 2020

Bless you, Mother Earth…

The Earth gives you her breath
She fills your body with peace
and opens your heart to Life
She is there when you open your lungs for the first time
as you cry out,
she gives you voice,
and then you are held in love
by those who witness your birth.

Our Earth is weeping right now,
she needs you to hold her in your love.
She’s struggling to breathe
and her children,
the creatures of the earth are hurting,
their little voices are being silenced.
They need your healing.

Lay your hands upon the ground,
Raise your eyes to the skies
Send out your breath of powerful Love.
Close your eyes
and see the light shining inside of you
the light that shines in your soul,
this is your gift of divine Love
Send this prayer of yourself
out into creation.

Mother Earth,
we hear you,
we see you,
we feel your pain.
We LOVE you.
You are our life force
and we have not forgotten you.


Blessings to you,
and especially on the peoples, creatures and land of Australia,

©️2010-2020. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings  and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing by Erin Keane

Blessing, Healing, Poetry, Prayer, Spirituality

Reach into the Beyond

When you are weary

there is always a prayer

deep inside your body

that Love hears even when you can’t call out

and ask for Mercy.

She moves through you

Lightening the load you carry,

 calming you.

Love whispers,

“Be still.”

She becomes your breath.

and you hear,

   “My Beloved Child,

                                             Lift your heart into the treesTree Light for Blog

                                                            Keep Rising higher

‘till your soul touches the curve of the sky.

When you can transcend no further

                                            Open your arms wide

and reach into the Beyond

‘till you touch the Light

upon your fingertips.


the LOVE of this LIGHT


all that is Divine

radiating from your soul.


Release this LOVE

into the Universe

and gently place your toes

upon the green grass.”

Now you are free, my Beloved.

Blessings of Light & Love Around you and with you Always, Erin

©2012-2017. Bella Bleue Healing™. and Erin Keane. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane.

Inspiration, Poetry, Spirituality

Love Came Knocking One Stormy Night

Love came knocking one stormy night
I answered, “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
The house is a mess,
There’s clutter everywhere.
I need to get the kids to bed,
And the animals need to be fed.
My husband’s shirts need to be cleaned
I’m really trying not to be mean.
Love said, “No problem.”
“I’ll talk to you soon.”
I said, good-bye and closed the door.
I breathed in a sigh of relief.
No expectations
No worries or fear
Of what Love might say about my disheveled life
She was gone.

But then the thunder rumbled and the house shook.
And everything came tumbling to the floor.
My eyes filled with tears
And I yelled, “Why?!”
“Don’t you see how hard I try?
I try to keep everything perfect,
And I always seem to fail.
Nothing’s ever in the right place
And now this?
It’s too much for me to do.

So I tried to run out the door,
but the storm blew me back inside.
I fell upon my clutter and began to cry.
And the cascading waterfalls flooded the room.
I had to come up for air.
So I swam as hard as I could
[To just get my head above the surface].

Then air.
Deep Inhale.

And then it struck me,
Oh why was I so stuck inside my head?
How could I be so worried about my life
that I could leave Love outside for the night?
“I’m sorry,” I yelled!
I’m so sorry I didn’t want you here.
I’m sorry my life is so full of fear.
Please oh, please Love, Come back!!!
I need you so.

I looked out into the abyss.
I sighed.
I couldn’t see a thing.
No sign of Love anywhere.
And then a voice inside my heart,
“Forgive yourself my child,
Let it go.
You are too hard on yourself.
The mess can wait.
All the work will get done.
But you don’t have to do any of this alone.
Please sit down
Open your heart and pray.
Now listen to what I have to say,

I am here.

I am here.

I am here.

I look out the door again,
The sky is full of stars.
The clutter around my feet is gone.
And Love, she is here.
She’s always been here.
She will always stay.

For Love has made her home in You.

Blessings of Light & Love Around you and with you Always, Erin

©️2012-2020. Erin Keane. Bella Bleue Healing & Blessings. All rights reserved. No portion of any post or photo may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author, Erin Keane. Find me on Instagram @Erins_blessings and at Facebook Bella Bleue Healing by Erin Keane.

Healing, Inspiration

Blessing the New Year of YOU

Blessings on this New Year of YOU…!!


Happy New Year!

Blessings all around you, Erin

©2016. Bella Bleue Healing ™ and Erin Keane Design. All Rights reserved. No portion of any post may be reproduced without written permission from the author, Erin Keane.

Like my Facebook page Bella Bleue Healing for more inspiration or follow my Instagram Page for more of my Blessings.