Healing, Life

Taking time to Reflect & Heal

How often do you give yourself the permission to reflect on your life? How does this time for reflection effect your well-being?

These last couple weeks I’ve been needing some time to just sit back and be a part of life, rather than trying to push life in the direction I want it to go in. Allowing myself to be fully present in my life (accepting life as it is in a moment rather than trying to change people, things etc.) has been very healing. So often we hear how important it is to be proactive about our lives,to take action, to be intentional about the change we want to see in our lives. So I decided to be intentional about bring present in my life. I have been able to reflect, pray, and be fully present in the moments of my life instead of being distracted. As a result I’m appreciating more deeply the blessings I have in my life like my health, my son, my husband, my friends and family, and my spiritual life. This deeper and more intentional presence in my life is allowing me to feel happier, to not be as frustrated, and to be appreciative of my life.

This has been a much needed break for me. I often get angry and frustrated when life seems to be pushing or pulling me in directions I don’t want to go in. And feeling angry takes away from my happiness and diminishes my relationships. Therefore by shifting my focus and by being reflective and calm I have been able to reconnect to my feelings of happiness, and a sense of goodness in my life again.

I am also reading daily spiritual writings that invite me to intentionally reflect, and thus keep my focus on the positive instead of the negative. This has been my saving grace in so many ways because it grounds me back to where my heart and mind most naturally live: in a place of love rather than a place of disconnect.

And a big reminder that has resurfaced in my time of reflection: just be patient, the right answers, the right path will always be shown when the time is right…


How about you? How does taking the time to be reflective enhance your life?

Blessings, Erin, Bella Bleue

©Bella Bleue Healing™ All Rights Reserved.
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4 thoughts on “Taking time to Reflect & Heal”

  1. It sounds like you and I have a lot in common here and the direction you’ve chosen is along the lines of what I have. To truly be present in my life- to truly see, feel and savor the moments of life can be a mixed blessing for me. The gratitude can be overwhelming! That happened to me yesterday – just a flood of memories and emotions. When I do this I find myself not wanting to let moments go – wanting to freeze them forever because they are so fleeting…this thought process leads to the precious moments of the past. Loved ones 4 legged and not who’ve passed through my life….ugh. Thank you for sharing this. Turning our focus to what we want and away from what we don’t attracts more of the good! What we focus on expands.

I love learning from your sharing & wisdom.