Connecting to the wonder we are, Spirituality

Simply Pleasing…An Experience of Faith

What pleases you in life? What makes you feel happy right at this moment?

I have discovered my passion for photography this year. It has brought me incessant joy, and ongoing discoveries of life. It has helped me embrace the intricacies of life, that otherwise, I might have missed. And through each photo I take, I am encouraged to celebrate and feel within my spirit a deep sense of wonder…a gift each and every one of us possesses.

How do you tap into the gift of wonder in your life?

This journey of embracing and nurturing my passion for art and photography, has also deepened my faith. I have always believed in a benevolent creator, I call God, and seeing the wonder of life through my lens, has deeply affirmed my knowing of the Creator. It is so difficult for me to believe that someone or something did not create all this wonder in the world.  Involving myself so effortlessly with nature, fills my body with a sense of deep connection beyond myself and within myself. This feeling of transcendence is so natural and unforced that it can’t just be something of chance, I believe.  We all may have different ways of understanding this feeling of transcendence, but for me it is a definitive relating to the Divine.

How do you make sense of your moments of transcendent connection through the tangible and visual world?

[During my time of refection, I have discovered within myself, that I need to express more openly my experience of relating to the Divine–God. This relationship is a part of my everyday life, and so central to how I live my life and make sense of who we are—living miracles. My writings my messages and images all stem forth from my belief that each and every one of us is deeply loved by God through this amazing gift of life that each of us lives. This is a relationship I believe we all have in some shape or form…it is the relationship of yourself to that which allows transcendence to be felt within your spirit….however you name it; i.e. your spirituality. Thus, I will begin to share a bit more about spirituality here, and hope that through my sharing, you will be invited to share your faith journey, or look more deeply at what your spirituality means for you].

Blessings, Erin, Bella Bleue
©Bella Bleue Healing, Health & Inspiration for Your Life™ All Rights Reserved.
Please also visit my photography site: Photography by Bella Bleue

6 thoughts on “Simply Pleasing…An Experience of Faith”

  1. Your photography and writing certainly are beautiful, Erin. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts. Gratitude and generosity are wonderful gifts, too, of course! ~ Lily

  2. Erin ~ I am so thrilled for you finding this magical passion ~ and healing portal. You are clearly blessed with talent and the love of your heart always shines through your images and words… Looking forward to your continued sharing of spirit and heart. I always have connected to your posts … and shared outlooks … Much Love dearest friend ~ R

    1. Thank you, dear Robyn! Yes, photography certainly does bless our minds, bodies and spirits with its gift of healing. I treasure that you share in my journey, and have welcomed me to share in yours. Many blessings your way always, Erin :O)

I love learning from your sharing & wisdom.